We are pleased to have access to the broadest Green Energy Tariffs in the UK.
Environmental concerns are rightly at the forefront of all our minds so we are pleased to have access to the broadest renewable Energy generation portfolio in the UK and to contribute to the growing infrastructure the country needs to produce more Green Energy. With a range of Green Energy tariffs now available, we can help industrial and commercial organisations with their greenhouse reporting.
All our Green products use power generated 100% from renewable sources. They come with a zero emissions rating and are backed with a Guarantee of Origin, certifying that the Electricity has been generated exclusively through wind and hydro assets. Meeting the GHG Protocol Corporate Standard, the Electricity purchased can be matched to the Renewable Energy Guarantees of Origin allowing our Green customers to report zero emissions for Scope 2 purchased Electricity.

Allow us to analyse your current rates and find you a better deal for your next contract.